Friday 1 August 2014

I'm trippin'

Have you ever heard of Your Little Blackbook?
Yesterday, when I was strolling through Bloggerland, I came accross this wonderful blog. If you're ever planning to take citytrips, check this blog first! Maybe something's written about the city you've planned going to. You can read about the best restaurants, clubs, hotels, bike tours, shops and many many more!

I just love the way they write about everything they see. As a guest of their website and a wanting-to-be-tourist you get enough information, plus.... great pictures so you get the idea of what it looks like!

Written about:
  • Amsterdam
  • Antwerp
  • Berlin
  • Copenhagen
  • Dublin
  • Helsinki
  • Lisbon
  • London
  • Madrid
  • Maastricht
  • New York
  • Newcastle
  • Paris
  • Reykjavik
  • Rio de Janeiro
  • Tallinn
  • Valencia
  • Vienna
  • ASIA - Bali
  • SOUTH AMERICA - Brazil
  • USA - California
  • USA - Texas
When you're on a trip, I think you should always be overloaded with the right music. Let me tell you about a wonderful playlist of Spotify: ACOUSTIC SOUL. It contains 78 songs and should entertain you for 5h4min!
My new favorite song is definitely First Choice - Gabe Bondoc. For the home session click here and this is the studio version. Want to sing along? Here are the lyrics!

Another thing. When you're travelling you are gonna see the most beautiful and impressive architecture and engineering, indoor and outdoor. To give you an impression of what I mean, check out the Facebook page of Architecture & Engineering!

A few examples that make my heart skip a beat and make my jaw drop haha!

I hope you're having a great vacation and will see some, listen to some and do some beautiful things! Let me know if you've seen, listened to or done something great! HAVE FUN!

Ps. DIY's will be coming up in a few weeks!

Much love, Yasmae.

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