Tuesday 9 September 2014

Swedish wishes

Don't you guys get that itchy feeling beneath your skin a few times a year? The feeling you get when you, once upon a day, walk into your room and think: WOW THIS NEEDS A CHANGE! This feeling enhances even more when I browse through the brand new IKEA catalogus. 'Cuz daaaaaaaaaamn, I want it all. Well.... almost.

Did you know that you can just design and style up your own 'room' at ikea.com?! You can even view everything in 3D. I've made quite some designs for the bedroom. Different styles, different colors, different people. For you, I've designed different rooms. 

So let's start with the 2D design of the bedroom I'd love to own when I will no longer live at my parents' house. You can see it's quite simple, and that's actually just how I like it. The core must be simple, so you can decorate and jazz it up without losing the sense of serenity - which I think is a huge must for a bedroom - and it becoming a chaos. This leads us to the important question... how to decorate?


For my bedroom, I want it to exude calmness, without being boring. So I kept the color palet quite easy. Various shades of brown and grey, with lots of white, to keep it basic. For decoration I'd love to work with different types and shades of vibrant colors. At the moment, I chose blue 'cuz that's my favourite color. The headboard of the bed is so clever! You can easily place your beloved magazines, books and more in the headboard, so you don't need to crawl out of bed, all the way accross the room, to get it.You can see - or not - that the wardrobes' exterior are made of mirrors. Pragmatically: able to see yourself and your outfits from head to toe. Smart: make your room look extra big by visual deception.

Now, some different styles:




This one is definitely my second favourite. I love the stone wall, because it's just so different from anything else. I'm not quite sure it's practical. It wouldn't surprise me if I'd end up with scratches from that stonish wall.

So there you have it. Different styles, designs and types of bedrooms. It's all just very easy and relaxed. I haven't made any vibrant ones, but that really doesn't bother me haha. If you want a room that has that POW-factor, go ahead and create one yourself :D!
But either way, just go to IKEA and try to put together your dream bedroom! Have fun! 
I hope I've given you some inspiration!

Much love, Yasmae.