Tuesday 29 July 2014

Paint me like one of your french girls, Jack

Have you ever seen the Titanic? 'Cause Jack knows how to draw his girls! I've been practicing to draw/paint girls' bodies, too. Now, don't freak out. It was a school assignment of my art class to analyze an artist and to blend his/her methods in a piece of art we would make ourselves. So, I chose Ernst Ludwig Kirchner. He is a wellknown 'expressionist' and I love his work. It's just... I can't really put it into words, but it was very striking to me! Not all, but most of his work is very provocative.

Warning: this content contains sexuality

The first one is really... well... there's no way you can deny it. It's provocative and revealing. It's exactly what I wanted to do. All the pieces I made in art class were never beyond the boundries, it wasn't shocking. Now it was my MY turn to provoke. 
The second one spoke to me because of the vibrant colors. I just love this combination. It's mysterious and wild. This really triggers my fastasy.

Sooooooooo... I decided to combine these two pieces of Kirchner - the provoking and the colors - in order to create a piece of art that I could be proud of.

At first, I began to sketch. I wanted to create the sense of high class meets sensuality. People of high class are never seen expressing their sensuality. I created a 'behind the scenes' and revealing situation.

These are quick sketches. What I created here is what I had in mind at first. It's behind the scenes. It's like I sneaked up on this women and photographed them while they took off the high class cloths and attitude. But it isn't.... provocative enough. I needed to let the women be more than open about it. So, I made another sketch - which I liked - and I made it my final piece.

All rights reserved on the paintings

I must say I'm actually proud of my painting. It's what I had in mind when I decided to make a combination of the two works of Kirchner that were so striking to me.
I'm really curious if you guys also love to draw, paint and create! If you have links of paintings made by you, leave it in a comment below! Share it with the world ;)!

Much love, Yasmae.

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