Sunday 27 July 2014

Slip in 'n slip it out

Hey guys! This time it’s not Yasmae posting, but me, Robin. We’re best friends and she asked me if I wanted to post some articles every once in a while. Well, ofcourse! - Even though I have totally no experience in making things like this, but I’ll try my very best.

For my first post I decided to write something about slip-ons, since I bought slip-ons a while ago and I love love love them. The thing about them is; they are really stylish and you can wear them with so many different outfits. They give your head-to-toe-look an extra edge. Plus, you can get them in all sorts and sizes - from a plain, neutral color to a bold animalprint.

This is my own pair of slip-ons. I got it from ASOS (which is an amazing online shop for clothing and one of the plus sides of this site is that your order will get delivered in less than a week woohoo). The reason I bought exactly this pair of shoes is because it's just a little bit different: the shoes are made of woven raffia.

Here are some examples of outfits you can combine slip-ons with (click the links to buy it):

Top, jeans, sunglasses, bag, shoes

Jeans, top, sunglasses, lipstick, shoes
Blouse, jeans, bag, shoes, lipstick

Skortsinglebracelettophatset of braceletsshoes 
Notice: the prices of the clothing are all very different. Please comment if you'd like more designer stuff or more lower prices.

I hope this is a good inspiration for you guys and I hope you all like my first blogarticle. You'll propably read more stuff from me!

Much love, Robin.


It's Yasmae again! Isn't Robin aaaaaawesome? I absolutely love her post - AND her shoes - so I hope y'all benefit from her post, too!

I have a small addition. I walked right by Monki the other day, in a bit of a hurry so I didn't have time to shop, but BOOM - there I saw them, the perfect slip ons for artsy fartsy peeps like us haha! It's black and white, so you can wear it with everything, but they're not even close to being boring!

I think we all know that creations by Monki all always a piece of art. These shoes look like they have been the doodle book of the creator. It's covered in little drawings, overloaded with fantasy and creativity - just the way we like it - and therefore every shoe has a different print. If you want to buy them online, you can click right here, but that way you can't pick out your little piece of art for your feet by yourself. You get a randomly picked print. Don't get me wrong, all of them are fabulous, but just so you know... I'd go to the shop!

For the cute, girly girls among us... these slip ons by Monki are perfect! If you love pets, the color pink or any other pastel, it's heaven on your feet, sweety!

really got the awwww-factor
If you look closely, you can see they've also put a bit of clouds into it! These are perfect for summer days. Both of these slip ons are new on the online shop, so get it before it's sold out! Get this pair right now!

We hope to see you all in slip ons soon! Slip in 'n slip it out!

Much love, Yasmae.

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