Tuesday 5 August 2014

Love Letters

It's been almost 2 weeks since I've said goodbye to my love. He's on a roadtrip with two of his best friends, to see where Game of Thrones was filmed. Two more weeks and we get to see each other again!

But, of course this is a trip he should remember in his late 90's! So I bought him a book. It is said that books - and everything made of paper - is a dying medium, but I think I'll always prefer the feeling of paper between my hands rather than an E-Reader or something like that. 
I selected a  journal that would fit the theme of Game of Thrones perfectly. It needed to be authentic and trigger the mind to create, the hands to write.

I strolled down the gigantic book store in Rotterdam and after carefully doubting about e-ve-ry-thing, I selected the perfect one! Of course it's from Paperblanks. I absolutely love their style. Every one of their products is just so stylish, beautiful and the quality is excellent! Click here to see all the products.

It has this... Game of Throne-ish look! It even has relievo! Luckily, he absolutely loved it! The first pages were filled by me. I sorta poured my heart out on to those pages... I told him he should write down his experiences, discoveries and all of his stories. Once he has printed all pictures of his trip, he can just glue them into the book. Same goes for receipts and tickets!

So, what I'm trying to tell you guys? This is a great holiday gift for loved ones! Or... you can buy it for yourself and fill it all on your own. I'm 100% sure you are absolutely able to create wonderful and fantasy filled stories!

Also very much fun to do - aaaand cute - when you see each other again after the holiday, you can read each other your stories! 

Well, think about it and let me know if you've ever done this before or have plans to do it!

Much love and much fun on your holidays,

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