Saturday 19 July 2014

Let's Go To The Beach-each


Today was a beautiful day to go to the beach, and so we did. We packed delicious watermelon, sandwiches, drinks and I think... 5 rugs haha. So when we finally got there, the entire beach was filled up with people, exactly as I expected. It looked like thousands of ants crawling... and sunbathing.

Me and my sweet boyfriend - I will now introduce him; his name is Nick - fell right asleep in the sun. I don't know about you guys, but it's so lovely to fall asleep with the warmth of the sun on your back!
Nick and me
We enjoyed throwing the frisbee around, but of course I had to hit some people.... SORRYYY!

lookin' fruity today, honey
 I've missed the beach so much, even the sand that get's everywhere - and I mean literally EVERYWHERE. This is why I love tropical vacations. I guess you could say that today I did a lot of 'tropical shit' field research, haha.

clouds only make a sunset more beautiful
I hope you're all going to tropical places this summer and create wonderful memories. Tip: buy a fun journal and write down the stuff you did that day, including little drawings or doodles, pictures and receipts or tickets!

But that's not all I had in store for you. Yesterday I had this image in my head of a dress... the tropcical dress that I'd love to wear, which can fit the city, the beach and cocktail parties, for example. 

When I finished the painting, I decided to experiment a little bit with spray paint, which I bought at the Action for just 3 euros. It's obvious that the spray paint technique is something I need to work on, haha. But anyway, here is the result!

easy and fun to do on a friday afternoon
I hope this little painting makes you wanna do it yourself, 'cuz creaitivity is contagious!

Much love, Yasmae.


  1. show some more art on your page ! i like it a lot ^^

  2. I will! Thank you very much!


Write down that opinion, whoooo!