Friday 18 July 2014

Tropic Like It's Hot

Pineapple? You mean fineapple!

Everywhere on the street and in stores we see delicious fruits. But mostly, we see the pineapple. Designs with this level of 'tropical shit' are perfect for hot summer days and nights. Although I'm sure I'll still be wearing it in the winter, just to rebel haha. 

Here are a few really cool - or should I say hot - examples!
get it now
get it now
get it now

get it now
get it now

Some of these are on sale, people! Don't wait too long, summer ain't getting any younger.

More tropical shit coming up tomorrow! Becaaaaause tomorrow is the day we're going to the beach (!), good thing 'cuz it's gonna get 32 degrees! Should be enough new inspiration for 'tropicality', right?

Hope you got some ideas. Remember to always, always be a fineapple.

Much love, Yasmae.


Write down that opinion, whoooo!