Thursday 17 July 2014

Maaaaaama Miadrid

Hola muchachas,

I decided my very first post should be about travelling, because that's the main thing I really wanna do this summer. See great places, getting to know new cultures, meeting new people, experiencing unknown food, etcetera etcetera... If only, right?

I've never been to Spain before, at least... I can't remember. I did go there, but I was so young and at the time I looked a lot like Dora. So I figured, it's time to do it again, but better this time. If you're in Barcelona or Madrid, PraktikHotels is THE accomodation for people like us. It offers good quality for a low price (actually the lowest)! For my trip to Madrid I'm definitely gonna book the Superior Double Room. Greeeeat thing, 'cause it only costs 61 euros a night! 

Who needs much at a hotel? When you're in a big city like Barcelona or Madrid, all day 'n night are spent outdoors. You're on the roll to see fantastic things! These rooms are perfectly simple, nothing more than you really need, which shows in the price. On top of that, it comes with a great view! Admit it, this sounds AND looks kinda good, right?

For more information, check out their website.

minimalistic, yet feeling holiday-ish

Much love, Yasmae.

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