Monday 1 September 2014

Posting poems

Let me introduce you guys to something I love, but not really skillful at: fascinating literature and poetry!

Last year, I carried around a leather bonded notebook, everywhere I went. When interesting thoughts or lines or stories or... poems would pop into my head, I'd wright them down inmediately. Also, if I heard people say something real inspiring, I wrote it down to remember it always. Little pieces of engaging philosophy.

In a certain way it helped me deal with some difficult stuff. I could shake struggles off in a creative way. I needed to think of ways to put it into words, which forces you to really think about the stuff you're dealing with. To analyze every single thing about it.

Let me offer you a little peek into my thoughts:

Give me your attention
Give me just fair

Like it should
If you could

Do me this favor
Every day
So I don't wonder
Whether to stay


What if I told you
Truths are twirled
'Cause if not
There'd be hurled

To what we want to hear
Coated words for our ears

Would I
Lie to you
About the lies
That truths are true

What would you say
If it were that way

Paradox 'n contradiction
Life's becoming fiction


Drops of liquor
Burn my throat
Gramophone plays
Hall & Oats

Shots of vodka
In my veins
Cells are dying
In my brains

Glasses of wine
Warm my soul
Life is fine
Pleasure is all


Silky drawers
On my hips

A little kiss balm
On my lips

Breasts held together
By pretty lace

Hands hold tight
My pretty face

Push my buttons
Pull my strings

Say to me
Such lovely things


Sing to me
My melody
When I cannot play

The lyrics
And the limericks
When I cannot say
The thoughts in my head
Pages unread
'Cause I can't get

Feelings on paper
I cannot hide
But I'm a shaper
Of poems inside


So, these are a few examples. There's a real process in it, I think. Some of the things I wrote in my notebook are pretty damn bad. But...... sometimes, when I look back at it after a while, I find little jewels of poetry. 
The last few lines of the last poem are my favorite.

What I wanted to tell you, is that just a little notebook can help you deal with things and can also help you stimulate your creativity within! After all, aren't you a shaper inside, too?!

Grab that pen, set your mind free and start writing! Don't think toooooo long about things like: "Is that line good? Should I change it?" Just write down whatever comes to that crazy mind of yours! You can adjust it all - later!

Let the ink and think flow
And ofcourse let me know
If your mind did blow
Up from all you let go

Fo sho.

Haha, but no kidding. If you have written something too, don't bother to share it with the world!

Much love, Yasmae.

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